Listed below are the types of charts currently supported in recharts. If you are going to try any examples, please make sure you have loaded recharts in R:


1 Line chart

We can use a line chart when x is numeric (or date/time) and y is numeric. Below is an example of a single curve. We specified type = 'line', without which the plot will be a scatterplot.

# an example taken from ?curve
chippy = function(x) sin(cos(x)*exp(-x/2))
x = seq(-8, 7, length = 100)
echart(x = x, y = chippy(x), type = 'line')

An example of multiple lines using the series argument (the four groups of data have the same correlation coefficient), and an example of a single time series:

# see ?anscombe for more info about this dataset
ans = as.matrix(anscombe)
ans = cbind(x = c(ans[, 1:4]), y = c(ans[, 5:8]), group = rep(1:4, each = 11))
ans = ans[order(ans[, 1]), ]
ans =
#  'data.frame':    44 obs. of  3 variables:
#   $ x    : num  4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 ...
#   $ y    : num  4.26 3.1 5.39 5.68 4.74 5.73 7.24 6.13 6.08 4.82 ...
#   $ group: num  1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 ...
echart(ans, ~x, ~y, series = ~group, type = 'line')

echart(y = nhtemp)

2 Bar chart

When x is character or factor, and y is numeric or NULL, echart() will create a bar chart. An example using the Titanic data and showing the survival rates in different classes:

(classSurv = aggregate(Freq ~ Class + Survived,, sum))
#    Class Survived Freq
#  1   1st       No  122
#  2   2nd       No  167
#  3   3rd       No  528
#  4  Crew       No  673
#  5   1st      Yes  203
#  6   2nd      Yes  118
#  7   3rd      Yes  178
#  8  Crew      Yes  212
echart(classSurv, ~Class, ~Freq, series = ~Survived)

An example showing the frequencies of some random numbers cut by 8 intervals:

x = cut(rnorm(1000), -4:4)
#  x
#  (-4,-3] (-3,-2] (-2,-1]  (-1,0]   (0,1]   (1,2]   (2,3]   (3,4] 
#        1      13     123     377     332     127      26       1
echart(x = x)

3 Scatterplot

When both x and y are numeric, echart() produces a scatterplot by default. Here is a plot of the faithful dataset:

echart(faithful, ~eruptions, ~waiting)